Cecilia means Blind.

Did you know that my name, Cecilia, means BLIND!?? I was looking up some names yesterday and I am just wondering what my mother was thinking when she named me "blind". Did she know I was going to be half blind? HMM!!
Andrew means warrior. He thought that was perfect. :P

Today was our last working day. Noo more cleaning toilets. No more making beds. No more no more no more!!! When I came home today I took a loong hot shower, scrubbing those chemicals of from me.

And yea, do you remember that I wrote the other day that I bought a body to the baby. That might have made sence in Swedish but when Andrew read it, it sounded like I had bought the baby an actual body of flesh and blood ;P But I did mean, as Andrew pointed out, that we bought the baby a "baby grow".

Seee yoooooouuuuuuu !!!

Postat av: Marita M

Baby grow??? Never heard... sorry about the name dear, had no idea... Maybe I fated you to have bad eyesight... "feeling guilty"...My name is related to Maria and I believe it meens "gift" or "beloved" ... but I don't know if I was fated to be more loved than others... so much for fate :-)

2010-05-02 @ 14:35:54
URL: http://teachersbox.blogg.se/

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