Back Home !!

Wow.. it felt like that travel never ever ended !! But it did. And Im now back home in my apartment in Gothenburg. We landed in London airport after a long flight from Singapore. I was feeling so sick. I just want to give an advise, dont fly to New Zealand during your first weeks of pregnancy. Even if they feed you all the time, the food was so irregular and the times got so weird. Yuck !! Anyway. Thats over :) We waited in London for another 6 hours. Then we took the last 2 hours flight to Stockholm. I saw in front of me when I was in the flight how I would walk off, and hundreds of people would stand there, cheering and waiting for me :) screaming WELCOME BAAAAAAAACK!!! But that didnt happen. I got a small jump and cheer from Andrew and mormor was waiting outside the gate with the camera :) Perfect !! :)

It felt weird to be back again. But it doesnt feel like I have been away for 2 years. Mormor told me that I will notice when people start singing Swedish songs I've never heard, or when people talk about happenings I dont know about. We got back to mormor, had a niiiiiiiiccccccccceeeeeeeeeeee home cooked dinner and went to bed :)

Next day was time for the final travel. We took a bus from Sthlm bus terminal. When we walked down to the underground we were met by a man, soo drunk, having a wee on the escalator. I looked at Andrew and thought, great first experience for him.. pause not... :( Busride was terrible. The bus didnt stop anywhere, which I thought it would do so I didnt eat on the whole day. Which makes me sick :(

But we finally reached Gothenburg and we were met by my happy mother and her husband Joakim. They took us home to their place for another woonderful home cooked dinner :) Its luxury with home made food when you have been traveling for so long.

So yesterday we woke up at my mothers place. Played some Wee, which proved to everyone that I am a master in sitting still. Like I didnt know that already. Broke all records HA !! Then we took Andrew for a quick sightseeing up at Ramberget. We went to IKEA to buy some stuff that was missing back home, went to buy food for a month and then... me and Andrew kind off died in the bed. 7 in the evening. Until for me 4 this morning, but Andrew is still sleeping.

It was soooooo GREAT to see everyone again. Mormor, Sven, Mamma, Joakim, Catarina and Patrik.  So now I will spend the next days, looking for work and seeing people. Well,I will probably not going crazy trying to catch up with everyone, but at least my father and uncle for now :)

Soo with this, I end this blog. It was supposed to be a travel blog and now Im home. I will start writing again cuz I do think it is fun. But I will have to give it a rest while I figure things out..!!


Postat av: Marita M

Wee???Vi har inget pinkspel - men vi har ett Wii.. och du var helt klart suverän på att sitta stilla... mitt rekord är ju bra 57 s och det var sååå svårt bara det.

2010-05-10 @ 05:58:22
Postat av: Linda

Men MONGO!! hur skulle vi ha kunnat möta upp dig på flygplatsen, när vi inte ens visste att du skulle flyga till Sthlm eller när du skulle landa!!?.. Hmm knäppis

2010-05-11 @ 15:47:25
Postat av: sara

svar: oki, blir det fint då? :D

2010-07-16 @ 10:26:31

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