
Mormoor is here. It was wonderful to see her. Her bus travel went good and she told me she talked to a Kiwi man on the bus who guided her through the journey.Perfect!! I am so proud over her to travel all the way here alone. She told me she had a complicated flight journey including missed flight and long waits.. Now days the flight secutiry is such a long and annoying process.

We have been talking alot and we tired Andrew out so he has already fallen a sleep. I will wake him up soon though because we are going to BBQ. Mormor is also resting a bit. She is still suffering from Jet Lag !! I am all excited and can barely be still... Haaappyyy days :D

Postat av: Mamma

Oh, I want to be there with you .... But I have to struggle along here in Sweden with too much work and early morings like this one... its 5.41 and I have a gymclass to teach at 7.30 in the city... yawn

2010-03-16 @ 05:42:00
Postat av: cissi

jaaaaaaa jag onskar du var har <3

2010-03-17 @ 03:42:13

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