our cabin

When we moved in the cabin looked like a prison cell. It was two single beds, a table and a small shell, thats it. But Andrew is the best boyfriend in the world and while I was at work he fixed the whole cabin. I was really surprised when I got back. It looks so nice. He fixed this chair for me really comfortable so I can read, write and play guitar there. It is really nice to sit in.

Yesterday he bought some candles in a small craft shop and he picked heaps of stones and put them in as decoration, it looks so cool.

He also gave me a makeup table with a mirror on, so I can sit and do my makeup there :) He found a red sheet and made a heaven over the bed. The back headboard of the bed is actually a mattress.
He is really good in making it look nice. I love it in here now.

There is also another shell and some clothlines that looks soooooo nice, but I dont have time to upload another pic, its a bit slow and I have to go to work. By the way, I have Wifi on my room now too :) Isnt Andrew the best ever??? :)

Postat av: Mamma

Andrew är klart godkänd... han har samma sinne för vad som gör en glad som Joakim... presenter i all ära men när någon fixar till så att man trivs då är det kanon...

Shell? Skal? Menar du Shelf= hylla... annars fattar jag inte vad han har fixat åt er...

Nä stress stress... träning igen så jag måste springa!

2010-01-24 @ 15:45:01
URL: http://teachersbox.blogg.se/
Postat av: Anonym

your right, its supposed to be shelf :)

2010-01-25 @ 04:43:30

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