
Its like Im drowning in work............... hehe I didnt really put the pic in to write that, it just came up now. The camera is still resting. :P This pic is from Thailand...

We have really got a daily routin now, and I think its time for us to move on in the end of march. I get to bored when everything is the same all the time, and its no challenge, no adrenalin, no surprises, no differenses, nothing. This is how our week looks like

Monday - Day off, too tired to do anything, and we also dont have a car so we are kind off stuck here.

tuesday - sunday - woking at camp, training, eat, working at restaurant, sleep.

This is supposed to be working HOLIDAY right? :) Anyway, the great thing about life is that you dont have to do what you dont want to. We will still stay here for another month, just because we need time to look for work, plus my grandmother will be coming (I am still sooooooooooooooooooooooo excited), then I think we will leave this beautiful place, and find another even more beautiful place :)


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