Dalai Lama

I am just reading another book with words from Dalai Lama. He is a genius. Everything he says is so real and true. And he says things that are so obvious, but you still dont think about it before you read it. And he also says things thats not obvious, but it makes you think more deeper about life and other people and so on. If everyone in the world listen to him, we would all have had a much better life, a better world. ALL YOU GUYS SHOULD READ HIS BOOKS !! Seriously, go karma go...

I got a free night at the hotpools yesterday cuz the pool didnt work last time. It was so nice. You sit in hot mineral water under an open sky with lake view. I loved it this time :)

Postat av: Mormor

I beleive in Karma too. So live well.

2010-02-23 @ 17:50:28
Postat av: Mamma

Hot mineral water!!! not to good to make drinks of I guess... So you read the book I sent you... it's a good one by Dalai Lama but I like the one called "Lycka" better...

Enjoy life and life enjoys you...

2010-03-04 @ 15:27:26
URL: http://teachersbox.blogg.se/

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