Look who is talking
Are you taking your folic acid?? Huh?
Oh after three months you will feel so good.
You cant wear that, you cant eat that. Sit still.. Go out. AAAH!! How does people know so much? Has the whole world gone a pregnancy course that I missed?
Anyway. You should all see Look who is talking :) I will see it again.
Still no tickets. We might try stand by tickets and hope for the best. :)
Look who's talking is this ooold movie with John Travolta right? Not very educational... you can always look at Look who's talking now and then the third one about the pets talking too... not much to learn there either...
The profylactic breathing you actually know cause I taught you it when you where 5 and going in to surgery for your eyes... I can always teach you again if there arn't classes via the mother care here i Gothenburg...
Well.. back to reality... studies today again... gymclass tonight... free from work tomorrow but gymclass then aswell... I keep busy...
Aaaaaaaaaaah!!! Det visste jag inte... Ja du far garna visa mig igen.. De finns sakert mamma kurs o sa men vet inte om jag sak ga pa sant... Kanske...
Ja de e den filmen. haha men den var jatte rolig anda..:)
Finns säkert film på youtube... där finns banne mig allt