
Emily (Kiwi girl), Me (Sweden) , Eve (Sweden) , Laura (Argentina) and Natalie (Germany)
Today I said goodbye to Laura from Argentina who is leaving today. Last week we had to say goodbye to Eve and on thursday we have to say goodbye to Emily Its really the downside of traveling. You meet so many people you like, but sooner or later you have to say goodbye. Well, Im pretty sure I will see all off them in the future. People I met during travel live all over the world, and off course I have them all on facebook, so wherever I go in the world I can allways visit my friends :) Eve is from Gothenburg by the way so she will be easy to catch up with :)
I just finished motel work and I have the afternoon off, so I will go and visit a lady from south africa who is going to give me the recipe for rask and if I can do it today, I will probably be baking the whole afternoon. That lady by the way, Daphne, is soo friendly. I really like her. South African people are always so nice.
I bleached my clothes with the toilet bleacher from work, they look terrible. It sucks cuz I dont have so much clothes and now I have even less. I can still use these clothes for work but I dont have so much for after work. I supppose I work most of the time anyway....
History of my backpack

I think I wrote about it before, but here I go again, cuz you guys havent seen my new super cute backpack yet. Well, I started off going to Australia with like 25kilos or something (dont remember exactly but it was a lot). I did not have a backpack, I was dragging around a big red trolley, really nice new one, and a lot of space. I had so much clothes with me. Mine and Tobys first plan was to only stay in Australia for 6 months and then go home, but when we decided that we wanted to continue traveling, I decided that I wanted a new backpack. So I bought a big red, all funktion, water hole, hundreds of pockets and so on, backpack. I really had too much stuff and I had to give away half of my clothes to fit it in the new one.
Then I met Andrew, who was traveling around with a small backpack, and he seemed to have everything he needed in that. I got inspired, but I still couldnt half my stuff just then. But the more you travel, the more you realize how unnessesary it is to have so much things. You dont use half of it anyway. So in Thailand I sold my big red backpack, and bought a pink small one. And I looove it. Everything I need fits in that backpack. All clothes, showergels, makeup, books, computer and so on. That makes me think about how much stuff people have in their homes that they dont actually need. I would easy have a good life in a small apartment and just a few stuff and I would still be as happy as a person with a big house and loads off stuff.
And also, the cleaning would be so much easier :)
Sun is shining
The spa yesterday was a dissapointment unfortunately. But, been there done that. I know I would have gone to the spa sooner ore later, so it happend sooner and I dont have to go back :) It was relaxing though, but yea, not worth the money !!
Ok, I hope you are not freezing too much back in Sweden.
By the way, a theif was circulating outside our cabin last night. He or she stole my bikini bottom that was hanging to dry on the line. Yes, not the top, but the bottom. What kind off person is that??
See ya
Kayaking and Mount John
Me Kayaking
Picture taken on Mount John on the town we live in.
Today we had the whole day off.We havent been so lucky with our days off since we came, the first one I was sick and the weather was bad, the second one Andrew was sick and the weather was bad. But today we are both feeling fine and it is lovely outside. We started off making pancakes on the bbq outside, seeing our workmates working hard cleaning the camp, aaah that felt great :P After that we borrowed two kayaks from the hostel and off we went. Our plan was to go to an island in the lake, but after half way we decided to just lie and float for a while, before we paddled back again. The lake is bigger than you would think, or we're just lazy I dont know.
After that we got a minor steppback, when I realized that all clothes I just washed got coloured by one of Andrews shirts. Yea well what can you do? They look a bit hippy stylish with purple spots everywhere. And I dont even get it how they got purple, his shirt is black??? !!! After that we took a walk up Mount John again and took some pics. We had a niiiiiiiiiice ice coffee, the first one since we came here, and some really over charged sandwishes.
Tonight me and a kiwi girl from work will be going to the spa. I cant wait!! :)
Different experience
This is our cabin from outside, doesnt it look terrible. Anyway, I found out that if you look out through the window, through two windows in the kitchen building behind our house, then you can actually get a small glimt of the lake :)
See?? Impressive huh?
Its interesting how people can go to the same restaurant, the same day, eat the same food, and come out from the restaurant with so different experiences. Our restaurant for example. Some people leave there and give us so much compliments on how good the food is, good service and so on. Some people go out and think it was terrible.
One day when we were very busy, one order got mixed up which resulted in that a woman had to wait for her food while her husband was eating his. Thats not right, and I can imagine you would get angry with that, but misstakes happens and its no ones fault (ore maybe its someones fault but we are all human and can all do misstakes). She left the restaurant telling our manager that it had been her worst restaurant experience ever in her whole life.
Another person the same day said it was really good.
If someone would meet that woman and ask her if she would recommend the restaurant, she would probably say no, but the other person would say yes. Thats why its important to always try everything yourself, and see things with your own eyes. Cuz you never know if you will like it or not.
Ok, that was the life lesson off the day, remember what I said and keep smiling :)
Kitchen disaster
Really, I have never liked cooking. It drives me crazy and I have no patience for it at all. I allways had to cook off course, but only for myself and I have not done anything special, usualy microwave food, pasta or pancakes :)
But since I met Andrew I think I havent cooked once. Or actually I have done pancakes a couple of times but thats it. So now I decided that I have to learn, and even if I go crazy, I have to do it to be fare to Andrew. I think he doesnt really mind to cook cuz he likes it, but I would feel better if I could actually feed myself when I need to. So we are from now on cooking together . I made two hamburgers. I hate the smell off meat and as soon as I had put the mince pieces on the bbq I ran to the kitchen to wash my hands.. Silly, I know, but I will try to be better.
Anyway, it was all successful and we got a nice meal outside in the sun. Yesterday we only ate egg sandwish and I was in charge of the bread, but unfortunately I burned it. I did better today luckely otherwice Andrew probably would have given up on me and I would have to rely on his cooking forever, and ever.
Bon Appetit !!
our cabin
When we moved in the cabin looked like a prison cell. It was two single beds, a table and a small shell, thats it. But Andrew is the best boyfriend in the world and while I was at work he fixed the whole cabin. I was really surprised when I got back. It looks so nice. He fixed this chair for me really comfortable so I can read, write and play guitar there. It is really nice to sit in.
Yesterday he bought some candles in a small craft shop and he picked heaps of stones and put them in as decoration, it looks so cool.
He also gave me a makeup table with a mirror on, so I can sit and do my makeup there :) He found a red sheet and made a heaven over the bed. The back headboard of the bed is actually a mattress.
He is really good in making it look nice. I love it in here now.
There is also another shell and some clothlines that looks soooooo nice, but I dont have time to upload another pic, its a bit slow and I have to go to work. By the way, I have Wifi on my room now too :) Isnt Andrew the best ever??? :)
Moving out
Andrew is still sick but he is up on his feet today at least
Beach Party

yesterday I went to a beachparty in our small little town. It wasnt as many people there as I thought would come, but probably more than usual. The guy on the pic here was dressed up with googles, barbie in his hair, a pink duck and floaters on his legs and arms. He looked so funny. He wasnt the only one, there was a couple of life guards, a guy who dressed out as a girl ( I dont know if he miss understood the party theme from beach party to bitch party?) and loads of girls with beach clothes and flowers in their hair. It was fun.. Andrew is very sick and couldnt go unfortunately :( He is still sick and didnt work today..
A guy at the pub went all crazy screaming and throwing chairs around. I have no idea why... but he was scary. I remember in Australia when I saw my first bar fight. Like I seen small ones in Sweden, but the one in Australia was crazy. It was a friend of mine who was standing on the dance floor when a big guy came up without reason and punshed my friends tooth out. Andrew and the other guys went to see what was going on and the big guy collected all his anabola monster friends who all probably only went to the pub to look for a fight. My friends tried to calm the big guys down, but they were so angry (as I said, for no reason at all) and they punshed Andrew right over his eye. Andrew didnt want to hit him back, as you know he is a boxer and he doesnt hit people outside the ring, but the other people just started fighting, rolling around on the floor. I was so scared. My friends ran out, chased by the monsters and after that I didnt see them until half an hour later when I found them standing with the police. We all had to have police escort home cuz the police was scared that the monsters was going to attack !! Some people are just so stupid and have no life. Really. I hate those guys and I dont hate a lot of people.
Today me and Andrew had the day off and had to go to Timaru and do some bank stuff. Our town doesnt have so much shops so we took the opurtunity to do some shopping while we were in a bigger town. I bough more then I had planned and still didnt buy everything I had planned, like usual. Anyway I nought a new phone so now I finally have a number ( my money from Australia arrived today). And tonight we are going to a beach party so I bought a flower as big as my head to put in my hair :) And I dont know if I told you that I bought a new backpack in Thailand, really cool, but it broke after one day. I will show u a pic tomorrow. Dont buy backpacks in Thailand, they allways brake :( Anyway bought some stuff to fix it today as well
Here is my new phone number 00642102421701
In a bit yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Swimming in Lake Tekapo

I played a game with a guy called Mike, and he had to run across a road in his underwears. I laughed so uch that I allmost fell on the floor. Unfortunately it was my turn after and I had to swim in the freezing lake. I did it!! It was not too bad actually but I dont know if I would do it again. It is water from the glacier so its icy !!
Andrew decided to also have a swim and told me that he was going to do it naked. I didnt believe him so as proof he had to take a picture and show me. And he did. HAHAHA !!! Beautiful hey?

Andrew found us a nice bench under a tree where I can sit and read while he is just relaxing. We have four hours per day to do something, but we also need to eat, train and make ourselves ready for work. We are actually training boxing every day and I start feeling fit and healthy again. We got an hour today so it was nice cuz we finished a bit earlier at the cleaning work. It was easy today and me and Andrew worked together with a new guy from chilli, cleaning the camping :) There is also another new girl from england and tomorrow another new girl from Canada will join the team. Its nice to meet so many people with different nationalities, I learn alot :)
Maori national anthem

hahaha terrible pic of me at work... but funny... :)
When I was working in Australia one day picking grapes, I learned the NZ national anthem in Maori. I just googled the text so I could see the speeling and write it in here, and I realized that I only actually learned the first part of the song. So now I have som practise to do. Anyway people here are impressed that I can sing it :)
E Ihowa Atua, (Ihoa)
O ngā iwi mātou rā,
āta whakarongona;
Me aroha noa.
Kia hua ko te pai;
Kia tau tō atawhai;
Manaakitia mai
English for some reason it was harder for me to learn this one.
God of nations! at Thy feet
In the bonds of love we meet,
Hear our voices, we entreat,
God defend our Free Land.
Guard Pacific's triple star,
From the shafts of strife and war,
Make her praises heard afar,
God defend New Zealand

First I want to say that Im really trying to write every day but I dont have internet at home so its not that easy for the moment.. :) And now you probably are wondering about the cute teddy bears.. Me and Andrew both love Starbucks and we went there alot when we were living in Australia. And in Asia we tried not to but sometimes we couldnt help our selves, its an addiction we cant get away from. So to remember our favorite place we decided to collect their bears. We didnt get so many yet, cuz the idea came up in Malaysia, but we will continue until we have as many as we can get.
I am not sick anymore.. And the weather is sunny and warm :) Happy Days. They like me at the restaurant and gives me alot of working days, which is good for my money but I get so tired working both mornings and nights. I think because I havent worked in a while it is more tireing, I just have to get into it. :)
Yesterday they had a wedding at the restaurant. It was so beautiful and all the kids looked like small princesses. I looooved it !!
And so for the question of the day: Why is girls bathroom allways so much more disgusting to clean the mens bathroom? I mean, we are girls. Wherever you are in the world its the same. And Im not just talking about makeup stuff in the sink or tampong stuff everywhere, Im talking about poo !!! Yuck !!
Im baaaaaack !!!

Andrew :):):)

Hello !!! :)
Well I got my first salary so I have some money now :) wohoo !! And the funny thing is, the same day I got my salary, I got an mail from the tax people in Australia, informing me that they will now put the money which I have waited on for a couple of months, in to my account. Isnt that good timing.
Anyway. I have started working on a restaurant. It wasnt too bad. Mostly because of the staff, they are so nice and funny. There is only one Kiwi there, and the others are backpackers ore Indian (Five people from India). :)
Unfortunately I got sick two days ago. It didnt stop me from going to work but it is really hard to work for the moment. Hopefully it will go away soon. Yesterday me and Andrew had the whole day off but I was too sick to do anything so he went out photographing for a while :) He took some nice pics actually :)
I am not sure how the future in Lake Tekapo will be. It is really beautiful but it is not much to do. I am just going to work, going home, training, going to work number two, sleeping. But we will be here for a while anyway because we need to save money, but I will still look around for something else.
And I have a special message to my grandmother !! I want to call you, but I cant for the moment cuz I cant afford it. I will call as soon as possible. I hope you are ok :):):)
See you all tomorrow.. :) Byyeee !!!
It is raining here and its cold. Its supposed to be summer but in a mysterious way the weather change when we arrived. I survive, I got some new clothes today from people who forgot them in the hotel rooms. Thanks for that :)
Back to work
Lake Tekapo

We arrived in Lake Tekapo yesterday. The Lake is so beautiful. Its blue shining water. We met our manager who seems to be a very nice guy and he took us for a quick tour around. It is not too much to do around. They have a small town with a couple of restaurants and shops, very small.
They also have some nice walks we can do in the forrest and up a big mountain, where there is a fantastic view. Me and Andrew did the walk today and we allmost flew away. The wind went in 140km/hr and it was hard to be balanced. We knew that they have a cafe on the top where you can relax and see the whole view and even if we wanted to turn around, we kept on walking so we could reach the cafe. Unfortunately when we finally reached the top, the cafe was closed because of strong wind. Great.
We live in a shared house together with a german girl, a french girl, an argentina girl, a swedish girl and a skottish boy. The swedish girl is actually from Gothenburg. Everyone is really nice and funny and I love it there.
Travel Map
I was just remembering my beautiful map over my travel in Australia, and I just thought I could make another one over my asia travel..
RED = Bus
BLUE = Boat
GREEN = Motorbike
PURPLE = Flight
The purple is the flight all the way to NZ, but map was to small
Dalai Lama - The art of happiness
I just started reading a book about a guy who interviews Dalai Lama and asks questions about happiness. Im just in the beginning of the book and I allready find it interesting. He says ONE of the reasons why people are so unhappy is because of the community. People dont even know their own neighbours and many poeple doesnt have a friend to talk with about their life. There is places in the world, which I have seen myself, where people are poor and hungry, but they stick together and give eachother friendship and love, and those people are even more happy then people on Stureplan. And also, because it is so easy for people to travel and move, people are leaving their home early and the familys are not sticking together.
AND off course Internet and mobile phone. People keep in concact more on internet and doesnt really bother to meet up. I think he has a very good point.
Still in christchurch. I got all my papers organized and will be leaving tomorrow morning. I have for the moment 25dollar to survive on until next week. Thats a problem. It is. But Im still happy and I know that after next week when I get my first salary, everything will be easy.. :)

So much to do, so many papers to sign and blah blah !! But Im still enjoying New Zealand. It is so nice here, even though Im still in a big city, I do love this place, Christchurch. Everything seems to slow down here. And they have concerts on the square (for freeeeee wohoo) and everyone is so friendly. Yeees, I love it... :)
We have to wait until tomorrow before we go to Lake Tekapo cuz I have to open bank account, getting tax number, talking with insurance... and sooooo on ....
I am really on my last money.. really.. we are lucky that we have a work otherwice I dont know what I would have done... I am waiting for money from Australia though... they are just very slow.
I want to write more and tell u more, but internet is expensive.. I tell u later.. :)
New Zealand
In a bit yaaaaa!!!!
Twin tower New Year
Our crazy funny friend Ben showed up in Kuala Lumpur on New Years Eve. So we spend the day with him in Kuala Lumpur doing, as usual, nothing..:) It was fun anyway. We did something actually. I went to the hair dresser to colour and style my hair so it would look good the first day year 2010(hopefully for a longer time than a day after too), and after that me and Andrew went for a massage. It was Andrews first massage so we asked for a relaxing massage, but they probably didnt understand and both me and Andrew got the most pain ful massage ever during 30 minutes. Andrew swor to never take a massage again!!
Me Andrew and Ben went to the countdown under the twin towers. It was beautiful. And something that was so different from all my New Year I seen, it was thousands of people there waiting for the countdown, happy, cheering and loving, but I didnt see anyone drink alcohole. We didnt drink either. Its a muslim country so that explains why many people did not drink.
It was a great New Year, I loved it.
We came home around 3.30 in the morning and had to wake up 7 the day after to catch a bus to Singapore, where we are now. We have a flight ticket to Sydney and was hoping to find a ticket to NZ here, but unfortunately thats impossible and instead we had to buy a visa for Australia so we can stay there and try to find cheap ticket tomorrow.
Happy New Year