Different experience
This is our cabin from outside, doesnt it look terrible. Anyway, I found out that if you look out through the window, through two windows in the kitchen building behind our house, then you can actually get a small glimt of the lake :)
See?? Impressive huh?
Its interesting how people can go to the same restaurant, the same day, eat the same food, and come out from the restaurant with so different experiences. Our restaurant for example. Some people leave there and give us so much compliments on how good the food is, good service and so on. Some people go out and think it was terrible.
One day when we were very busy, one order got mixed up which resulted in that a woman had to wait for her food while her husband was eating his. Thats not right, and I can imagine you would get angry with that, but misstakes happens and its no ones fault (ore maybe its someones fault but we are all human and can all do misstakes). She left the restaurant telling our manager that it had been her worst restaurant experience ever in her whole life.
Another person the same day said it was really good.
If someone would meet that woman and ask her if she would recommend the restaurant, she would probably say no, but the other person would say yes. Thats why its important to always try everything yourself, and see things with your own eyes. Cuz you never know if you will like it or not.
Ok, that was the life lesson off the day, remember what I said and keep smiling :)
Just want to add... the same goes for movies and books... I usually love the movies and the books others hate... so I have to see for myself everytime...
Yeah thats it !! you never know if you will like it until u tried