Beach Party
yesterday I went to a beachparty in our small little town. It wasnt as many people there as I thought would come, but probably more than usual. The guy on the pic here was dressed up with googles, barbie in his hair, a pink duck and floaters on his legs and arms. He looked so funny. He wasnt the only one, there was a couple of life guards, a guy who dressed out as a girl ( I dont know if he miss understood the party theme from beach party to bitch party?) and loads of girls with beach clothes and flowers in their hair. It was fun.. Andrew is very sick and couldnt go unfortunately :( He is still sick and didnt work today..
A guy at the pub went all crazy screaming and throwing chairs around. I have no idea why... but he was scary. I remember in Australia when I saw my first bar fight. Like I seen small ones in Sweden, but the one in Australia was crazy. It was a friend of mine who was standing on the dance floor when a big guy came up without reason and punshed my friends tooth out. Andrew and the other guys went to see what was going on and the big guy collected all his anabola monster friends who all probably only went to the pub to look for a fight. My friends tried to calm the big guys down, but they were so angry (as I said, for no reason at all) and they punshed Andrew right over his eye. Andrew didnt want to hit him back, as you know he is a boxer and he doesnt hit people outside the ring, but the other people just started fighting, rolling around on the floor. I was so scared. My friends ran out, chased by the monsters and after that I didnt see them until half an hour later when I found them standing with the police. We all had to have police escort home cuz the police was scared that the monsters was going to attack !! Some people are just so stupid and have no life. Really. I hate those guys and I dont hate a lot of people.