
Today me and Andrew had the day off and had to go to Timaru and do some bank stuff.  Our town doesnt have so much shops so we took the opurtunity to do some shopping while we were in a bigger town. I bough more then I had planned and still didnt buy everything I had planned, like usual. Anyway I nought a new phone so now I finally have a number ( my money from Australia arrived today). And tonight we are going to a beach party so I bought a flower as big as my head to put in my hair :) And I dont know if I told you that I bought a new backpack in Thailand, really cool, but it broke after one day. I will show u a pic tomorrow. Dont buy backpacks in Thailand, they allways brake :( Anyway bought some stuff to fix it today as well

Here is my new phone number 00642102421701

In a bit yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


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