Trousers finished

This is probably one of my prouder moments. I was home sick today and I decided to finish the trousers. It took me 6hours... It drove me crazy, but its done :) Do you love them? I do.. and look, I even have my favorite teddy Elmo on them..
Time to rest... I have a day off tomorrow and I really dont want to be sick in bed then...
Im lying in my bed sick. I havent moved from bed since I woke up, except one toilet visit. :) My throat is sore. Its first time since I came here that I actually stayed home a whole day from work. So I am not feeling to bad about being home. I have been uploading pictures on facebook, looked for work for the ski season and slept. THANK you who ever invented internet. It makes sick days much funnier.
Ok... I have nothing more fun to say today... if you have facebook, check out my pictures. I am still uploading now its going really slow. If you dont have facebook, get it NOW and be my friend !!
Oh, yesterday a guy from my work told me that he doesnt like Sweden cuz they kill wales and dolphins for fun there. Even if we had wales ore dolphins that could never happen in a country like Sweden, right?. It makes me think how wrong it can be if you believe what people say before you check the fact yourself.
Another guy told me that him and his friends were guessing where I was from. He had guessed Scandinavia and as you all know, he was right. He was really proud and told me how educated he was that he knew I was from SWITZERLAND in Scandinavia. Wooow good work.
This morning I had some fun with the swing before work. I did it first because of the picture, but I had so much fun on it :P I wish there was a roller coster outside my door that could take me to work every morning. That would surely wake me up :)
But off course I still remember words and things but it just sounds like my voice goes wrong when I speak swedish. Its probably a sign that I have to call home more often, right?
I read my sisrers blogg today and she put pictures in from when we all were younger. I really look like a geek haha. Or it looks like Im trying to be something that Im not. I probably was. Anyway, have a look.. The small girl on the pic is my older sister, you can probably recognize me, the other blondy is my youngest sister, and the guy is my youngest brother.
Seeeeee yaaaaaaaa

Swedish and english animals doesnt speak the same language, I will tell you the differences
Swedish speaking animals
Dog - VovVov
Pig- NoffNoff
frog- kvack
English speking animals
Dog - Voff
Pig - Oink
Horse - neigh
Frog - ribbit ribbit
I also wonder if Swedish ducks and swedish frogs can talk to eachother. Cuz they both say KVACK!
Today I cleaned my laptop. It was like holding a toaster upside down. I took all the buttons off the computer and under them was full off bread crums. Off course I broke something, I broke the shift button. Hopefully I wont need it :) Typical hey? DONT EAT AND USE COMPUTER AT THE SAME TIME...todays lesson by me...
The other day when I was in the kitchen baking scones again, two german guys was standing over the oven, shaving. Thats so disgusting. Why would you do that? Kitchen and face hair doesnt mix very good. Oh, and I havent told you all about the scones. I found a secret talent, I can actually bake scones. Andrew found out about it too and now he makes me do it all the time. Fare enough, he usually cooks so I shouldnt complain :) They are delicious!!
Another hard working day. Byyyyyyeeeeeeeeee
Dalai Lama

I am just reading another book with words from Dalai Lama. He is a genius. Everything he says is so real and true. And he says things that are so obvious, but you still dont think about it before you read it. And he also says things thats not obvious, but it makes you think more deeper about life and other people and so on. If everyone in the world listen to him, we would all have had a much better life, a better world. ALL YOU GUYS SHOULD READ HIS BOOKS !! Seriously, go karma go...
I got a free night at the hotpools yesterday cuz the pool didnt work last time. It was so nice. You sit in hot mineral water under an open sky with lake view. I loved it this time :)
Day off

DAAAAAAAAAAY OOOFFFFFFFFFFFFFF !! I love my days off,they are amazing :) I woke up at around eleven, Andrew made me a nice breakfast and then we went to town to do some shopping.
I told Andrew that I havent put any new pic in the blog for a while so we took some pics but we were to lazy to actually walk anywhere nice. Anyway,a pic on me having a woooooonderful ice coffee, and a pic walking back home from the shop is allways something right?. After that we went down to the lake and just sat there for a while, and now Andrew is making pancake lunch... wohoooooooo, days off ROCK :)
Im not doing anything else today. Oh yea, I will continue with my trousers, I broke the needle and I have thought about throwing the machine out the windows at least 10 times since I started. But I will keep going until they are finished:)
In a bit yaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its like Im drowning in work............... hehe I didnt really put the pic in to write that, it just came up now. The camera is still resting. :P This pic is from Thailand...
We have really got a daily routin now, and I think its time for us to move on in the end of march. I get to bored when everything is the same all the time, and its no challenge, no adrenalin, no surprises, no differenses, nothing. This is how our week looks like
Monday - Day off, too tired to do anything, and we also dont have a car so we are kind off stuck here.
tuesday - sunday - woking at camp, training, eat, working at restaurant, sleep.
This is supposed to be working HOLIDAY right? :) Anyway, the great thing about life is that you dont have to do what you dont want to. We will still stay here for another month, just because we need time to look for work, plus my grandmother will be coming (I am still sooooooooooooooooooooooo excited), then I think we will leave this beautiful place, and find another even more beautiful place :)
Clothes line
A couple of time per week people hang their clothes up outside mine and Andrews cabin, but they dont put pegs on it. So their clothes blows away and gets spread out all over the place. Both me and Andrew finds that very funny and it gives us a laugh every time. The other day I put some underwears up and went to work. When I came home my pants were all over the grass. Andrew didnt recognized that it was mine and he found it hillarious that someones pants was all over the place. I didnt. That's how it goes when you are laughing at other peoples troubles. KARMA !!
I have the night off from the restaurant and I will spend it right here in my room, computer nerding, reading and continue to sew on my trousers. :)
My grandmother decided to come and visit me and she will be here in 3 weeks. That is the first time I see anyone from my family in over 1 and a half year. I am sooooooooo HAPPY :D:D
And another thing. I got a mail from Toby today, who is in India doing everything I was supposed to do. I am jellous, but happy for him. He got all his sick problems sorted out and he is now taking a massage course and sdoing so much cool things. Toby if you read this I MISS YOU ! COME HERE NOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!! Andrew miss you too :)
Yesterday we had a big group with open bar again. I had to leave 12.45am cuz I was so tired and I knew I had to get up for work this morning, but the group was still drinking and partying at the restaurant when I left. So... I did another 12hours shift yesterday. I am going loco.
Hehe, I havent been very active with the camera lately so I put in an older pic from Thailand. I think I look so beautiful with my leech socks and green trousers.. :) "Miss motivator 2010"
Yesterday at the restaurant was a dissaster. I was so tired and I did so many misstakes that I dont know why my manager didnt send me home :P Anyway, I thought today off some funny things that happened on the restaurant since I started so I will share that with you
- There was a leak in the tea pot and when I was pooring tea to a costumer, it dripped some on his back. There was a big group and they were all just laughing about it. Every time I passed the table they made a comment about it. One woman said "you have to wash his shirt" . I looked at the man and said "do you wanna give it to me". I meant the shirt off course, but the table was full off drunk old ladies with dirty minds and they all burst out laughing. I had to go out from the restaurant because I was crying from laughing myself and I was red like a tomato.
- I accidently dropped a fork in a costumers knee. He did a funny gesture and I said quickly "oh sorry did I kill you". Again, it was a big group and the whole table laughed so loud that all eyes from curious people, and off course my manager, was turned on me wondering what was going on.
- A couple came in to the restaurant and their last name was Helmo. Someone had wrote it short and in the booking book it said "Hel." I told my work mate that "Hell" has arrived and they want a table. The people was actually not very impressed that I called them Hell and I didnt go back to their table that night.
The stuff that happened yesterday was nothing funny. I gave out the wrong food, forgot everything, spilled wine and I was just a total mess. Thats what happens when you dont sleep. I feel better today and I am ready for a misstake free night at the restaurant. :)
Happy Birthday
Yesterday was my grandmothers birthday.
And it was also my friends babies 1 year old, happy birthday to you too :)
The reason why I didnt write yesterday was because of some server trouble on as usual. And I was a bit in a hurry as well so didnt have time to wait it out. Yesterday I had to be in at my other work 1 hour earlier than usual. We had a big group coming and my manager wanted me to work on that.
It started off as a fun night. They had a party with the theme disco and it was glitter and funny costumes everywhere. The music was good as well. But after they had used all they 4000 dollar bar tab, they decided that they wanted to drink more so they got an open bar tab. They drank a bit too much and we had to stop serving them at 11.30 cuz they were to drunk.
They did not like that and they were soooooo rude. Terrible costumers. Swearing, screaming trying to convince us that they were not drunk at all. Yesterday was the first time ever I was so irritated that I told two costumers that I was sick of them and walked away. I have never been rude to costumers before but they were terrible. It was 40 adults working on an insurance company and they behaved like drunk teenagers. And now, they dont want to pay for their drinks because they think it was so bad of us to not serve them anymore. Gaaaaah Grow UP!!
I worked all together 12.5 hours and I was so tired today. And now I will go to the restaurant again. Happy days.
Making trousers
putting the squares together
My day off today. I decided to make a pair of trousers. I am actually in the middle of making it now but took a short brake to write in the blog :) Its supposed to be a pair of trousers made like a lap quilt. I have collected free clothes that people have forgotten in the camp or motels for a couple of weeks and I think I have enough now to make the trousers. I will show you a picture on them when, and if, they are ready. I have already lost my patience with the cutting a couple off times, but Im getting there...slowly....
I also got some books from my mother today. Two books for Andrews Swedish learning, and three books for my own Swedish learning Apparantly according to my mother my Swedish is not very good anymore..hehe... THANK YOU
Yesterday Andrew surpriced me with a picnic. We had good food, dessert, hot chocolate, candles and a view over the lake, which was too dark to see but I knew it was out there :)
Valentines day
This is a day to think extra on the people you love. :)
I think off all you people back home and I miss you.
I hope you are all good
enjoy this day, enjoy every day
remember to keep smiling :)
For me, I have a date with my boyfriend tonight. He has arranged a surprise for me and I cant wait until I finish restaurant work and get back home. We exchanged card and I got a flower this morning. Andrew is very romantic and Im very lucky to have him as my boyfriend <3
Valentines day
This is a day to think extra on the people you love. :)
I think off all you people back home and I miss you.
I hope you are all good
enjoy this day, enjoy every day
remember to keep smiling :)
For me, I have a date with my boyfriend tonight. He has arranged a surprise for me and I cant wait until I finish restaurant work and get back home. We exchanged card and I got a flower this morning. Andrew is very romantic and Im very lucky to have him as my boyfriend <3
I have nothing more to say, I am just feeling sorry for myself. I hope you all feel a bit sorry for me as well :P
Funny thing...
Its funny that when people learn a language they usually learn the bad or rude word first. Yesterday a man came into the restaurant with his wife. When I told him I was Swedish he sang me a rude swedish song and then he asked if I want to make love with him.
When I was working in Sydney, two guys, on two different days, came up to me and said in Swedish "show me your p*s*y and I give you popcorn". Its the same for me. I allmost never swear, except when Andrew trains me cuz he usually drives me crazy then (its true, I hate swearing), but I do know some swear words in other languages anyway.
Well sometimes they say funny things to me as well. One guy sang pippi longstocking song in Swedish and Andrews first sentence was "can I marry your daughter" No, we are not getting married, we were actually not even a couple when I tought him that, it was just for fun. And the first thing I thought my friend from India was to say "Really big sunchair"
Big cities vs small towns
Climbing a mountain :)
It is not much going on in this town. Yesterday we had some customers who asked me what there was to do at night time here, or if there is anything open at all. The only thing I could think about was star gazing, which was not really what the guys had in mind.
Its a big different in living in a small town like this, than to live in a big city like I do back in Sweden. Here, everyone knows everyone, or at least know who everyone is. I cant walk to town without stopping to talk with someone I know here. In Sweden I dont even know my neighbours. I can find heaps of quiet places here where I can relax outside without being disturbed, back home I better sit inside if I want to have quiet.
I do like it, I love that people are so friendly to eachother, but there is also a backside. If you do something here, or something happens, everyone knows about it the next day. And also false rumours spreads so fast. It hasnt happened anything with me, but people love to tell me about what happens to other people all the time. To be honest, I love to listen to it so I dont mind at all. But I would hate the thought of people talking about me like that I know, double moral, but I cant help it, its fun to hear about how crazy, weird, stupid or even nice, cool and good looking people are. The three later one I dont mind if people say about me :P
I think I prefer a bit smaller places anyway. Not like Lake Tekapo. This place is waaay to booring for me. But I think Gothenburg is probably to big for my liking. I think that I will live in something in between in the future. I dont know where, I dont know how, I dont know when. But I know I will find the perfect size town for me one day:)
New Shoes

I ordered a pair of new shoes online the other day. I needed mostly to have for my training, because all I had before was flip flops and the shoes I wear in the restaurant. Ooooh I love my new shoes... even better than I thought they would be. Me and Andrew are training alot, and now I can finally do some running as well :)
Nice?? :)
Andrew makes pizza

I dont know if I told you about Andrews second work He is a pizza maker, or baker, I am not sure about the correct english word. I came by his work one day and he had made up his own, healthy pizza. Its a very popular restaurant called pepes and he workes there with some nice girls. I was in the kitchen once, it is so small it would drive me crazy but Andrew seems to love it.
Today is our day off from the motel. The reason why I am writing about work on our day off is because we havent done anything at all today. I think I finally came out from the room at 12, then we went for coffee and sushi and thats it. I have to work in the restaurant tonight so I dont have the whole day off and its allmost time to get ready for work.
Our ducks

We got ourselves some pets. They come in the morning for breakfast, and usually they visit us when we are working in the cabins. We have only named 2 of them so far, Elmo and Simon. We cant really see the difference between the other once so they will all have to have the same name. :P
I am soooo tired. I cant believe I have to go to work AGAIN today. Yesterday was the busiest day in the restaurant and we were all going crazy. Too much costumer, too little staff. Anyway, the costumers was happy and we got good tip. I hoped for an easy day at the camp today, but we had to do allmost all rooms. I need some sleep.
Waitangi day
Today New Zealand celebrate something called Waitangi day, or they also call it New Zealand day. I just heard about it this morning cuz its actually a public holiday, which means that we get payed 1 and a half salary per hour :) Luckily Im also working in the restaurant tonight so I will make many hours pay today.
But I googled on it to find out what it actually means. Today, 170 years ago, a contract called Treaty of Waitangi was signed. The contract made New Zealand a part of the brittish empire and gave the Maori right to their own land, and right of Brittish citizens. Its not much more to say about it. It is a day of celebrating happy memories in NZ. :) I dont think I will see any celebrations here, but I will see the money at the end of the week and even I will remember this day as a happy day.
Here is a recipe for healthy rask, my mother wants to have it, its really good so everyone should bake it :)
500g margarine
280g soft brown sugar
2 eggs, beaten
500ml buttermilk
1kg self raising flour
15ml baking powder
5ml salt
200g All Bran Flakes
75g digestive bran
60g sunflower seeds
90g seedless raisins
Melt margarine and sugar together. Leave to cool
Add eggs and buttermilk
Sift flour, baking powder and salt together. Add All Bran Flakes, digestive bran, sunflower seeds and raisins. Add egg mixture.
Shape into balls and place in large, greased baking tin
Bake in preheated oven at 180C (350 F/Gas 4) for 45-50 minutes
Turn out to a wire rack to cool slightly, break open while still warm, and leave to cool further. Dry out overnight in the warming drawer, or in a very cool oven.
Place spoon in oven door while drying out to allow air circulate
Minigolf and the church of the good shepherd

This pic is taken from inside the church of the good shepperd. This church is famous for being the most photografed church in NZ. I can understand why, its on a very beautiful spot :)

Me and Andrew played minigolf today. I WON !! 39-38 :)
We have the day off today and its soooo hot outside. I dont want to go out and I dont want to be inside. Tonight we are going to a sushi place to say goodbye to Emily. It sucks.. she is really nice and funny...
Hery Jean I love talking to a swedish girl i met in austalia and who is living in new zealand with an english boy and who d love living in italy...she understood how to discover the world ;)
My friend Hery wrote that about me on his status yesterday :) He also has a blogg but it is in french so I cant read it
Stieg Larsson -the girl with the dragon tattoo
We have found so many copies of Stieg Larssons book "The girl with the dragon tattoo" in the backpackers. Mostly english copies but also one dutch and a Swedish one. Everyone is talking about the book, and if you ask someone here to recommend a book they will tell you to read that one for sure. Even the movie is really popular here in New Zealand, and when I tell people I am from Sweden they allways ask me if I seen that movie or read the book. The movie is actually not translated here in NZ, you will still see it in Swedish with english subtitle, which people here seem to love even more.
I read the book about a month ago, cuz Andrew bought it for me in X-mas gift. Unfortunately the copy I got missed the first 20 pages, but thats alright cuz I read those in the english copie I found. And it was funny, cuz the Swedish name of that book is if I translate it directly would be "Men who hates women". So when I found a copy of "The girl with the dragon tattoo" I thought I had found the second book. So I started reading, not realizing that I already read it, cuz I read the first pages that I missed. But I understood after a couple of pages that it was the same book :P
Anyway the book is so good. It was so exciting the whole way through, and it was in many ways chocking. I loved the character Lisbeth Salander. She was my favorite:)
You should all read it....
PS> Hery (my french friend who follows my blog) you can allways read it in French :)
Horse cart
Wohooo :)
I had some pics on it that Andrew took but he chopped the horses heads so they are not worth putting in anyway :)
This is supposed to be scones. I dont know what happened, but that does not look like scones. My baking and cooking is going OK, but yea, I have some step backs now and again :) I think when I get back to Sweden I will give my grandfather in Dalarna a visit, he is a really good chef and he can probably teach me some, not that Andrew is a bad teacher.
Yesterday a girl from work fell in the restaurant and broke her vrist. That sucks !!! I havent heard anything more than that she is waiting surgery at the hospital for the moment.