Here is a recipe for healthy rask, my mother wants to have it, its really good so everyone should bake it :)
500g margarine
280g soft brown sugar
2 eggs, beaten
500ml buttermilk
1kg self raising flour
15ml baking powder
5ml salt
200g All Bran Flakes
75g digestive bran
60g sunflower seeds
90g seedless raisins
Melt margarine and sugar together. Leave to cool
Add eggs and buttermilk
Sift flour, baking powder and salt together. Add All Bran Flakes, digestive bran, sunflower seeds and raisins. Add egg mixture.
Shape into balls and place in large, greased baking tin
Bake in preheated oven at 180C (350 F/Gas 4) for 45-50 minutes
Turn out to a wire rack to cool slightly, break open while still warm, and leave to cool further. Dry out overnight in the warming drawer, or in a very cool oven.
Place spoon in oven door while drying out to allow air circulate