Funny thing...
Its funny that when people learn a language they usually learn the bad or rude word first. Yesterday a man came into the restaurant with his wife. When I told him I was Swedish he sang me a rude swedish song and then he asked if I want to make love with him.
When I was working in Sydney, two guys, on two different days, came up to me and said in Swedish "show me your p*s*y and I give you popcorn". Its the same for me. I allmost never swear, except when Andrew trains me cuz he usually drives me crazy then (its true, I hate swearing), but I do know some swear words in other languages anyway.
Well sometimes they say funny things to me as well. One guy sang pippi longstocking song in Swedish and Andrews first sentence was "can I marry your daughter" No, we are not getting married, we were actually not even a couple when I tought him that, it was just for fun. And the first thing I thought my friend from India was to say "Really big sunchair"
Haha, jo lite svårt! Men så länge man får skriva om det man vill så går det nog bra ;)
Putain!! con !!! oh merde !! bordel de foutre !!!
Your picture is terrific !!
Sorry i swore in french...
thank you hery :) I was also happy with it .. I will memorize the swear words so I can tell rude french people off in the future. :) But it doesnt sound ugly when I say it, french allways sounds nice what ever u say :P