Mormor Marita
The season seems to be over now here in NZ. We have almost nothing to do at work. It is easy though. Just walking around finding extra works. Andrew hates it. He wants it to be challenging all the time and 2 cabins and a few showers is a bit too easy going. Anyway, only 3 more working days for us.
Andrew is also practising swedish now. You english people wont understand this so this is for the Swedish :) He is really good actually and he sounds so funny when he sits in the sofa and all the sudden says "URSAKTA!!! Forstar du svenska?" Sen sager han ocksa saker som "du suger min flickvan" vilket inte e lika snallt :P
He is doing a good work and he will be ready for Sweden when its time :)
Look who is talking
Are you taking your folic acid?? Huh?
Oh after three months you will feel so good.
You cant wear that, you cant eat that. Sit still.. Go out. AAAH!! How does people know so much? Has the whole world gone a pregnancy course that I missed?
Anyway. You should all see Look who is talking :) I will see it again.
Still no tickets. We might try stand by tickets and hope for the best. :)
The song
He sings
"And I feel just like I’m living someone else’s life
It’s like I just stepped outside
When everything was going right"
And I was thinking, why would he go then? Because it was a dream he used to have? I know its just a song and Andrew thinks Im all nuts, but sometimes things stucks in my mind. And it feels like many people do things that they dont really enjoy, or they dont really want to do anymore, just because themselves or someone else had or have that dream.
Eh this doesnt make sence. But I will give you an example. You get the offer to sail around the world. You dont really like sailing and you dont feel that thats something you would enjoy doing, . You might have had a dream a few years ago to sail around the world, but after a sailing vacation you realized it wasnt really what you wanted to do, But everyone else tells you how lucky you are, and how cool it will be. So you do it. Just so you can tell people after that you done it, even if it wasnt worth it. Do you know what I mean? And you come back home, thinking it was horrible all those days out on the ocean, you were terrifeid. But you still tell people how cool it was, cuz they expect it.
Lesson for the day. Do what you love and follow your dreams :) Not what other people love and expect.
Okej. Weird blog today :) But anyway. We still have problem finding tickets from London to Sweden. For the moment it looks like the only cheap tickets we can buy wil be the day after, which wil force us to spend a night in London, which we really cant afford. So we dont know either to buy the expensive tickets, or spend a night in London and go for the cheap once the next morning. What ever we do it will be expensive, and we dont really know what wil work out better. HMMMMMM!!!!!!!!
World trip is over
I am almost crying when Im writing this. It is maybe not so weird as I cry to everything for the moment. I was so upset the other day when I heard the song "Home" you know, I waaaaaaanna go home, I miiiss youuu yoou knooow ! Cried like a baby. Anyway. Im emotional. Thats it. I have so much thoughts going around in my head now.
So what countries did I get to see? Australia, South Africa, Thailand, Laos, Malaysia and New Zealand. Thats a good trip :) I have really had the most wonderful experience and I met so many wonderful people. And off course, I met the man of my dreams :)
I am already planning my next trip with the baby though ;) I know it will be different, but in a good way. And as I always said. If you really want something, you can make it come true.
Anzac Day
Internet didnt work yesterday. But now Im back.
Its a public holiday in NZ today called Anzac day. It is a day to remember those New Zealanders and Australians who fought in turkey during world war 1. I dont know if you would say celebrate Anzac day? Anyway they have Anzac day in both Australia and New Zealand. I havent noticed anything special this year except that people is wearing this so called "poppy" (on pic). But I also havent been in town yet. It might be something going on there.
Last year I was in Australia on Anzac day. It was a group of people with kilts playing saxophone to the sunrise on the beach and me and Toby had planned to see it. We must have woken up around 5.30 or something and we put our clothes on, grabbed the camera and off we went. We realized that we were a bit late out cuz the sun had allready started to rise, so we ran on the beach all the way there (it was maybe a 15 min walk) but we got there too late. So we missed it. There was still heaps of people there, and soldiers and all that. And we saw a beautiful sunrise while we were running on the beach. So you know, it wasnt too bad anyway :)
I have to see what this years Anzac will bring to my memory box. It will at least give me some extra money for working on a public holiday ;) Might go and buy a poppy at least.
moving house!?
I got my blood test result back today. All good. Apparently Im blood group O positive :) Didnt know that!
It looks like the flight traffic is more or less back to normal. Might be time to go back to good old sweden. If anyone knows about a work in Sweden for a none swedish speaking person. Please tell me :)
In a biiiiit yaaaaaaaa!!
Parenting test
A workmate asked me today if he could borrow mine and Andrews computer. I said off course yes, if someone needs something you shouldnt say no. If it is not unreasonable off course. But after that he said like this "yea cuz u know I asked Andrew about it and he didnt seem so happy about borrowing it to me, considering internet cost you money and all that". I thought that was a bit weird that he asked me when Andrew already said no. But I said that it is still fine with me, but I cant just borrow it out to you if Andrew doesnt want too. And then, Andrew came up to me and asked me why I had said yes about it. I was so confused. My goodness. I thought why all this hassle about borrowing the computer.
After work Mike said that he didnt have time to use it today anyway cuz he had some kind off change of plans. But he came with us up quickly anyway to tune my guitar. And then the two idiots told me it was all just a test. A test to see if I would say yes to things Andrew said now to when we had the baby. I dont know if I passed but I dont think so :P
Fuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnyyyyyy Boys!!!!!!!!
I am so sick ... yuck.. where is the pregnancy glow? I cant wait.
See you Alll
When it rains it pours
Well we are kind off thinking off flying back home soon. Its not really possible for the moment I think? Ash cloudes and all that. The world has gone crazy. Me and Andrew talked about it yesterday and it is actually scary to think how much things are going wrong in the world for the moment because of natural dissasters. Earthquakes, erruptions, orcanoes and more. And the weather is weird. Here in NZ it is supposed to get into winter. But we are having 30 degrees and sunshine. And I just saw now that Gothenburg is expecting snow. Maybe I will wait for a while anyway :)
We will see where the world is going soon enough I think.
Its a lovely day and Andrew doesnt let me be inside. So even if Im tired I have to go out and lay on the grass :) Which is probably muuch better for me,
No camera yet. That will unfortunalety take a while for me to fix. No money no play. The life of a backpacker hey? :)
And everyone else I suppose
In a biiiiiiiit yaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!
Broken and gone
I told you that my computer broke right? Anyway, I bought a new one now. Its almost the same as the other one, just a bit newer. I couldnt really afford it, but its necessary for us to have one for the moment. We live in a small town with not much contact with the outer world, and if we gonna be able to look for work and place to stay, we need the internet.
And also because Im a nerd :) I thought that it was all good cuz I had saved all my picture from Australia and everywhere else on the external hard drive so at least I would have those. To my big sad surprice, all the picture from Australia had somehow gone missing from the harddrive. I am sure that I had put them all over so it was really chocking. I dont know what could have happend. Luckily I had a hard time letting go off my old dead computer, and I took it over to a friend who took the harddrive out. So now I just hope that someone can get my picture out. Its a whole year in there thats gone. :(
And nooooooow even better. The charger to the camera we have now, mysteriously dissapeared and now we have a dead camera. I dont know what I have done to deserve this? Come on Karma !!
at least the sun is shining and it feels like summer outside. :)
Seeeeeeee yoooouuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!
Blood test

This is New Zealands native bird called the Kiwi bird. It doesnt fly!!
It was time to take my 8 weeks pregnancy blood test at the doctor today. Actually Im probably more than 8 weeks, so it was a bit late. But thats ok :)
It was quick over nothing exciting. I have lost some weight but thats probably not weird considering I cant keep my food down.
I had a talk with the lady who drove us there and she told me that all animals in NZ, except for the birds, are introduced. Some of the birds are also introduced but some of them are locals. It was the maori people who brought over the first rat. And then off course the english men, taking over rabbits for them to go hunting (what a waste!?). Its rabbits absolutely everywhere here. And all the other animals are taken over for different reasons. She also told me that all the trees in NZ that changes colour in the autumn, which is now, are also introduced from England. NZ trees doesnt change colour, they stay green all year.
I thought that was interesting. :)
Pizza is baking in the oven. Trying to be healthy you know? I miss training. I hope I feel better soon.
See yaaooo

Me and Andrew went out for a walk yesterday. It was supposed to be 3 km, but it ended up being much longer. Probably cuz we took so called "Andrew short cuts" and ended up having to climb hills and we ended up off track. But luckily we found the way back right before the darker came. And we had a really good time. I have been so lazy lately and I was so happy just getting out there. And if you are going to get lost, NZ is the country to do it. Or, maybe not if you get too lost. But I mean lost for a bit. This hill we went too was just behind the house we used to stay in, and it was like a new world up there. Wow I love NZ. I really wish that I had enough money so I could do trekking for a couple of weeks before I leave. But I probably dont. So I just have to come back here.
Andrew is out trekking today again. He is going to climb a really big mountain. Crazy. I have been cleaning out our room. It is so small so you would think it would go quick. But it took a long time. I had to take all stuff out and hover everywhere. Its very clean now :) I will go to town soon and see if I can catch up with my Swedish friend Ewe. Like I said, I have been lazy lately. Mostly cuz I have been so sick. But I think I start to get better. Today has been the best day so far actually :)
In a bit yaaaaaaaa
The Father :)

For you who hasnt met Andrew yet, I thought I can tell you about him :) He is from England. He is 26 years old and he has been traveling for 2and a half year.. :) Back in England he used to work as a personal trainer and even if he has been traveling for that long, he still keeps fit..
Now you know. He is also the nicest boyfriend ever. He has a special humour, that makes me laugh so I cry, but I do fear that his humour will get him in serious trouble some day. Its a bit rude :P First time I met him I thought he was so rude. I didnt like him at all. But he is not really.
And he always say the right thing and he has an answer to everything. Like the other day. I was worrying about what people would think when I get fat. I know, Im not really fat but I might get you know!? So Andrew told me all I have to do is carrying around a big empty box everytime I go out. Then people wont see that Im fat. But then he realized that people might think he is a bad boyfriend who lets his girlfriend carrying around a box all the time. But the he decided that it doesnt matter what people think. Who else than Andrew would have come up with a perfect plan like that?
See ya tomorrow
Andrews fall

Doesnt he look proffesonal here? Well.. 5 minutes later he fell and smashed his head on the ice. He has a blue eye now but he doesnt let me show you on a pic. According to Andrew he was just about to finish a perfect backflip piruett when he fell. It was his first time on the ice so its a bit hard to believe..haha:) Its not so funny because his face is a bit num for the moment :( I was like an ice princess flying around on the ice.. No falls here..:)
I thought I would update you what we have been doing lately. But to be honest, the ice skating is probably the most exciting. Yea we was going to move, and I did quit my work at Peppers, but now when Im pregnant we cant just quit our work with almost no money to go and look for something else. We need to think about what to do in the future. What things you give up for a baby hey? Both me and Andrew are only working in the camp for the moment. So we have many hours every day which we spend being lazy, looking for work and talking about the baby. It has taken over my brain and everything I see has to do with a baby. All my dreams has to do with a baby.
Baby Baby Baby
Wee on a Stick!
You guys are probably curious what I have been up to lately. Well, this is it :) Plus more ore less spending hours with the head down the toilet. If you havent already found out, I can tell you now, Im pregnant. Choooocking!! I know!!
Who would have thought. And I know, I heard it all. What about my plans? What am I going to do? Well.. I have thought about it alot. Some days I get this crazy pregnancy depression and I think that my life is going to be over, but when Im normal thinking I have decided in my head that nothing is over. I have been traveling for a year and a half, I have seen alot, done alot and Im happy with it alll. And there is so much more to see, but just because Im having a baby doesnt mean I can never travel again. Its just the time plan that has to change. Someone told me that it will never be the right time to have a baby. Everyone wants to do something first. It is so much to do in life. Thats true. You can never really plan it.
This is not the end of my journey, its the beginning of another one. :)
See you all tomorrow.. !!